P.S. Please check out my latest post at Celluloid Slammer. It's Bing Crosby and David Bowie singing Little Drummer Boy. That's one of my favorite Christmas videos of all time. I hope you'll stop in to watch the video and leave me some comments there. Thanks. Cheers!
Yeah, you can't go wrong with that outfit that Ann-Margret is wearing. Nice...
Hey J.D. I totally agree. It doesn't get much better than this.
I love that picture. She is one of my favorite actresses from that era. That's also a really nice looking room she's in.
Hey Phoebe. Glad you love it. I feel the same way about her and the room. Cheers!
All I want for Christmas...
she looks stunning, i love her outfit she looks so sexy.
Wow what an outfit ! Great find Keith
Hey Scott. We are of the same mind here. :-)
Hey Kay. Thanks for the comments. I totally agree with you. She's gorgeous, plus that's a sexy outfit she's in.
Hey Dave. Thanks. Glad you liked it.
Keith I love Ann Margret. Please more of her. That leopard outfit is so her!
Hey Bill. Glad you liked that pic. She is smokin' hot. I definitely will be posting more pics of her.
She is the sexiest woman ever!!! Please post more pics of her.
Hello annmargretfan. Thanks for the comments. It was nice hearing from you. I'll definitely be posting more about her. I have posted twice more about her if I remember correctly. Check the labels on the right side of my blog.
I just checked. How about a Tommy post for her? Love what I see so far.
Hey there. Thanks. Yeah, I plan to do one on her in Tommy. I definitely am going to be posting more pictures of her. She's one of my favorite actresses from that era.
Mine too Keith. I look forward to that Tommy post. Don't forget to include something on her and those beans :-)
Thanks. I hope you like the Tommy post when I end up doing it. Feel free to comment on any of the other Ann-Margret posts or any other posts you might like on my blog. Cheers!
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