Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Raquel Welch Is Lust

I love the 1967 comedy Bedazzled. Raquel Welch plays Lust in the film. I definitely have lustful thoughts about her. lol This is a very sexy cover for the movie. Hubba Hubba!



Mondo said...

There's a bit of Raquel/Kelly Brook Crossover isn't there?

Keith said...

Hey Dave. Yeah, there does seem to be that.

molly said...

she is stunning!

Keith said...

Thanks Molly.

Nancy Sinatra Fan said...

She does have an incredible body. I would kill to have a body like that. lol

Keith said...

She definitely has that. Wow! :-)

Ben Varkentine said...

Great story: Peter Cook used to joke that he'd wanted to change the name of this film from "Bedazzled" to "Raquel Welch."

Just so that the posters could read

"Peter Cook and Dudley Moore...IN..."

Darius Whiteplume said...

That movie has the best song in it. Whichever one was by Drimble Wedge and the Vegetation.

"Lillian Lust, the babe with the bust."

I'll have to watch that again soo :-)

Scott (gotankgo) said...

hubba hubba is right!!!

Unknown said...

One word: Damn!

Alpha Stone said...

What's funny is she wasn't in the movie that much, yet she's front and center on the cover. I guess you can't blame them... Dudley Moore's ugly mug sure wouldn't have increased sales.

Believe it or not, I was actually captivated just as much by Eleanor Bron in this film. She has a different kind of beauty to be sure, but is gorgeous nonetheless (I also liked her in the Beatles film Help!).

Keith said...

Hey Ben. Thanks for the comments. That's a cool story. It would have been neat. I would love to star in a movie called Raquel Welch. :-)

Keith said...

Hey Darius. Thanks for the comments. I know what you mean. I really enjoyed this movie. It's been awhile since I've seen it so I want to see it again soon.

Keith said...

Hey Scott. Glad you agree.

Hey Rev. I couldn't say it better.

Keith said...

Hey Gillian. Thanks for the comments. You are so right. She's not really in the movie that much. They definitely promote her on the cover. I can't blame them though. That's probably a good way to get some people to rent it. Who really wants to see a big pic of Dudley Moore. Not me. lol

I like Eleanor Bron myself. Definitely different than Raquel, but still a beauty.


Nostalgia Kinky said...

I love the film and think the soundtrack is just incredible.

Keith said...

Thanks Jeremy. That's cool you're a fan.

Ben Varkentine said...

I always think of that song ("You fill me with inertia") as Cook & Moore inventing the Pet Shop Boys (I'm quite a big PSB fan, as it happens).

Keith said...

Hey Ben. Thanks for the comments. I've always liked the PSB myself. Have a good weekend.