P.S. I hope that you've been enjoying my blog. If you do and can think of someone else who might enjoy what I post here, then please let them know about my blog. I'm always looking to have new people visit here. I love hearing from people. Plus if you haven't added me to your blog links, please feel free to and let me know. Thanks. I appreciate it.
She certainly is a treasure. Wish I could show her my "family jewels"!
Great way to start the week!
Thanks Deana.
Thanks K&S. I totally feel the same way.
Thanks JB. Cheers!
That is a beautiful poster. The marketers certianly seem to be hoping to cash in on Raquel with that poster.
Thanks Phoebe. You definitely can't blame the people behind this movie at all. I would be displaying Raquel front and center myself.
That's a fantastic poster and certainly makes me wanna check this film out. Always dig your Raquel Welch posts, Keith!
I appreciate your regular comments over at Retrospace. I'm going to add your Sugar and Spice banner to my sidebar today and feature it in a post soon. It's crazy to have 1,500 visitors to a post in a day, and have 2 measley comments. Thanks for the regular feedback, and it's time Retrospace returned the favor. Cheers!
BTW I'm putting this same comment over at the Dino Lounge.
Hey Gil. Thanks so much. I really appreciate that. It sounds great. Thanks for all the comments you ever leave at my blogs. I love hearing from you. I really enjoy your blog. It's one of my favorites. I try to definitely comment on a regular basis. Thanks again. Take care. Cheers!
Hey JD. Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. I love posting about Raquel. She's one of my favorite hot babes of that era.
You're definitely in my list!
She was and still looks amazing! Im a straight woman but even I can appreciate what a fantastic body she had. I must say Im fond of Mr 'Johnathan Hart' Wagner...... If we had got together it would have been moyder! LOL! X
great vintage one sheet w/Ms Welch
Thanks Gabbi. I appreciate that. Cheers!
Hey Vintage Kitten. Thanks for the comments. I know what you mean. I'm a straight male, but there are men that I can admit and appreciate are handsome fellas. Robert Wagner is one of those.
Thanks Scott. Glad you liked it.
Love that artwork - great stuff
Haven't heard of this one before, I'll have to see if I can't find it somewhere. By the way nice blog, I'm also a Raquel Welch fan, I have a couple reviews of her films on my blog. Currently 100 Rifles and Hannie Calder, but I'm planning on reviewing as many as I can find. You might also be interested in an actress named Helga Line, very beautiful German actress who did a lot of Spanish horrors and westerns in the 60's and 70's.
Hey there. Thanks. Glad you like my blog. I'll check out your site. I'm a huge fan of Raquel. I've done quite a few posts on her so far. Take care. Have a great week.
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