Friday, December 4, 2009

Celebrating My Birthday With Natalie Wood At Sugar & Spice

Happy Birthday to me! I turn 39 as of 2:05am (Eastern Standard Time) on December 4th. It's hard to believe that another year has passed on by. I've been thinking a lot about the fact that next year I will be turning 40. I definitely plan to have quite a party then.

Natalie Wood did stop by to help me celebrate my birthday a little early.


That photo comes courtesy of my friend Busty Crive.





The rest of the photos come courtesy of my friend Bill.


Noddy Blue said...

I love Natalie Wood.

Melanie's Randomness said...


Aww Natalie, my dad loves her movies & me too!

Dusty said...

Natalie Wood = one of thee sexiest American screen actresses e-vah! Looking at her is as delicious as devouring birthday cake.

And speaking of birthday cake, may you enjoy your 39th year of life.

Cheers to Keith!

Yum-Yum said...

Happy Birthday, Keith. :)

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

She was such a hottie. Happy birthday dude.

Neil Fulwood said...

Many happy returns, Keith.

Very nice of Natalie to drop by and help you celebrate.

Haute World said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you have a good one and get to celebrate in style! Very nice of Natalie to drop by... she looks fantastic. And I also hope she brought you a nice present ;-)

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Wishing you the sweetest Birthday Keith! Natalie Wood was such a lovely actress... Wonderful weekend as well!


Hapy B'day....Natalie Wood is still gorgeous (RIP)

Wolf Boy said...

Happy Birthday! I hope Natalie treats you right for your birthday.

Nancy Sinatra Fan said...

Happy Birthday. She is very beautiful. I'm sure you two would have a great time together.

Unknown said...

Happy birthday, Keith! I hope you did something special for it and enjoyed yourself.

Those pics of Natalie Wood (esp. the last 3) are something else. She was such a gorgeous, talented actress.

Mondo said...

Hey Keith have a rip-roaring birthday and say hello to Natalie for me ..

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Have a great day!

SamuraiFrog said...

Happy Birthday! You got me a bunch of great pictures of Natalie Wood, but I didn't get you anything...

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Happy birthday, Keith!! :) I hope you have an awesome day. I love those photos of Natlie. She is one of my favorite actresses.

lorenabr said...

Great pictures:) Happy B´day:)

Mirko di Wallenberg said...

Happy Birthday, Keith, I hope you have a great day with a lot of presents! All the best, Mirko!

wiec? said...

Happy Birthday Keith! really hope you have a nice one. stop worrying about yer age by the way.

age ain't nothing but a number. all best!

Anonymous said...

... oops... I forgot: Happy Birthday! Or as we say in Sweden... Grattis på födelsedagen.

Siru said...

Happy birthday! Hyvää Syntymäpäivää! (same in finnish) She has amazing jewellery.

juliet xxx

jbfunky said...

Happy Birthday Keith, I just know it will be extra special spending it with Natalie!

By the way, is Lana invited too?

Son of Mad said...

Happy Birthday, Keith! I hope you and Natalie have a lot of fun this weekend.

Grumpy old man said...

I am not sure, but wasnt she married to Robert Wagner? If it is her she died at sea, I think she fell off a boat or something... Maybe I am wrong, but I seem to remember something like that.
But seeing as she helped you enjoy your birthday, you must have had a fabulous time...

Have a wonderful weekend.

Unknown said...

ah happy birthday!

For all things fashion:

Amy(LamBi)Ne said...

Natlie Wood is beautiful.
Did you know Jack Benny was 39, many times?

Happy Birthday to you and Natlie.


Keith said...

Oh, by the way, do you know what kind of wood doesn't float? Natalie Wood.

Keith said...

I guess there's no point in wishing you a happy birthday, Keith, since you'll be with Natalie this weekend. We all know you're going to have a GREAT birthday with her around!

Myggan said...

Happy Birthday my friend, gorgeous Natalie pics.

Aimz said...

I love Natalie Wood best in Rebel without a cause.

Mrs. M. said...

oh my gosh happy birthday keith!!! I hope you have an amazing celebration.

Terence Sambo said...

:o] Bon Anniversaire again...

MrJeffery said...

happy belated bday. n. wood looked so hot in that bikini getup. i thought she did a wonderful job in b&c&t&a ... loved that film!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful photos of Natalie Wood. I love how classy she is in them.

esther said...

GORGEOUS pictures, and a very happy (belated) birthday to you! hope you had a wonderful day.