Monday, May 17, 2010

Sugar & Spice Is Back In Business

It's been quite some time since I've posted on my blog. I'm finally ready to start back blogging. While I did enjoy my time away, I have missed blogging and all my friends here. I did need the rest and the time to concentrate on certain goals I wanted to accomplish. I have been able to achieve some of the things I wanted to do during my hiatus. Some of the other items I am still currently working on.

When I took my break, I wasn't really sure how long I would be away. I had figured at most that I might be gone for six weeks to two months. I never would have imagined I would have been away this long. I heard from quite a lot of people who did miss this blog, as well as my other blog, and wondered when I was coming back. I was never quite sure. I think I got burned out and overwhelmed with my blogs. It got to be where it felt like a job. It just got to a point where I felt stressed out.

There are going to be some changes. One of the biggest changes will be in the amount of postings I do. Before I was doing a post every weekday, but I won't be doing that this time around. One thing is that I don't want to feel the stress and tension I felt before. Plus I no longer have internet access at my house. I don't have the time and so forth these days to do that many posts. I plan to do around two posts per week. They will generally be posted on Mondays and Wednesdays. They will probably be posted around 9AM Eastern Standard Time. Some weeks I might only do one post on this blog, while other weeks I might do three. Two will be the normal amount for this blog though. The same goes for my other blog as well, which I'm renaming Coolness Is Timeless.

While my blog originally focused mostly on my favorite hot babes of the 60's/70's, I want to mix it up more this time around. There will be more posts about the beautiful bombshells of Classic Hollywood. I also want to post more about a lot of the sexy girls of today that I adore. I want to share my love of the gorgeous ladies from the worlds of music, movies, television, fashion, you name it. You'll see posts on everybody from Raquel Welch to Jessica Biel. I have a lot of retro interests, but I also embrace the best of our modern times as well. I want to try to find the right balance between the past and the present.

This blog is a work in progress. This is a time of evolution for this blog. I'm really excited about the future here. I've got some great ideas about what I want to do here. I can't wait to start having fun again. I do hope that all my readers from before will return to read my blog. I've missed all of you. I am sorry for going away so long. I also hope that you will enjoy what I do with this blog. I know things are going to be different now, but I do hope you will stick around. Thanks for all your support, encouragement, friendship, etc. I have appreciated all of it so much. Cheers!

P.S. France has given birth to many gorgeous women over the years. Brigitte Bardot is the perfect example of that.


Here is a tribute video dedicated to Brigitte. I love this one a lot.


Unknown said...

Glad to have you back, Keith! I missed ya and your blogs. I'm glad you enjoyed your time off and were able to recharge the ol' batteries as it were. I look forward to future posts of yours no matter what the frequency.

stilettolover91 said...

I have really missed ur posts & comments on my blog!! I'm very glad to hear that you have returned :)

Philip Marlowe said...

Post when you can, no pressure from me!

And a BIG welcome back!

chocolategirl64 said...

glad you are well and good and crikey has it really been so long?
'blog when you feel it' I was told when I started mine:
and that's what I do:
no pressure:
welcome back to the blogosphere K:
{thanks for your kind comment on my page}

Shell said...

Welcome back, Keith. Looking forward to all the new excited about you looking at women from Hollywood back in the day.

Nuheila said...

I'm glad you are back,i've missed your posts!
I know what you mean about having a stress with blogging,i felt same and i took a couple weeks rest while i had my holiday.

I love BB.She was my idol when i was kid.

Hope you have a wondelful week!


Unknown said...

good to have you back Keith!

High street + Couture =

Grumpy old man said...

Hey Keith, welcome back, great to have you back! I have some bad news though. I will not tolerate less than one post per day!! So you gonna need to pull up your socks.... haha, just kidding, you post at your own pace. No one can tell you to post more...

Just glad you are back, looking forward to your posts.
If you decide to join twitter, give me a shout so I can follow you.

Have a super day.


Vertiginoso said...

Deeply glad to see your "cyber come back" Keith, a fortiori under such an Iconic "B B-liciousesque" sign AND with such a "BOMBshell of any Times' squad" idea !!!
RE-ps: You're totally right about stress and pressure, I Frankly think that it does not have to rhyme with "blog activity" .

à Bientôt, Antoine

Neil Fulwood said...

Welcome back, Keith.

I came late to your blog, but Sugar & Spice quickly cemented itself as my one-stop antidote to dull days at work, stresses outside of the office and the rainy dreariness of the British weather! Glamour, glitz, an appreciation as opposed to exploitation of the female form and, best of all for a confirmed sneaky internet surfer on the firm's time, a guarantee of eye candy without the risk of NSFW.

Your blog has been much missed during the last five months, Keith. It's good to have you back.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Welcome back Keith, I'm glad you are well! Looking fwd to fabulous posts from you~

The Sydney Girl said...

Hey Keith! welcome back! :)
I only blog when I feel like it. Sometimes a few a day. Then maybe one a week. I just blog when I'm inspired - shouldn't feel pressured. So I think it's great what you're doing.

and what a great photo of bridgette! and that you tube video - very cool!

have a lovely day! glad you're back!

Scott (gotankgo) said...

cool you're back and blogging

Melanie's Randomness said...

OHH HEY!!! Your back!! How wonderful. I don't blame ya for cutting back. Bloggins has become very stressful for people as well as me. Make sure dear you enjoy what your doing. =)

I like the tribute to Brigitte. My dad told me I looked like her recently so that lil video was fun! =)

Keith said...

Glad you're back, Keith! I've missed your posts and comments. It's good to hear you got most of your goals accomplished. I'm looking forward to your updates. Keep up the great work and welcome back, my friend!

jbfunky said...

Welcome back Keith! The blogosphere wasn't the same without you!

Lolita Haze said...

Yay! I am so happy you are back!


yay! Welcome back!

Mrs. M. said...

Oooh yeah I'm so glad you're back!!!! Missed ya too much, Keith!

Unknown said...

welcome back!!!

noone said...

heeey welcome back!! Yeah doing a post per day is a lot of work! Glad to have you back :D

Master Tiberius said...

Thanks for coming back. I missed your blog!

Steve Langton said...

Welcome back, mate. Good that you've started blogging again.