I had wanted to do this post to celebrate one of my favorite holidays, Halloween. I don't have a lot to celebrate right now. My computer died last night. I'm using my cousin's computer to write this message. I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm going to see if my laptop can be fixed inexpensively. If not, I'm going to have to get a new one before I start back in college the first of the year. I really didn't need this new expense. I'm not going to be able to be online much right now since I don't have my own computer. I'm going to have to take a break from the blogging world. This will be my last post for right now. I'm not going to be able to check out your blogs either for awhile. I'm so sorry about everything. I'll miss you guys so much. I'm hoping to be back as soon as I can. Take care. I wish you all the best.
These images are from the Jess Franco film Eugenie de Sade. This early 70's film starred the late actress Soledad Miranda. Soledad was born in Spain to Portuguese parents. She starred in quite a few films for Franco before her untimely death at the young age of 27. This particular film is about a young woman who begins a love affair with her stepfather, an erotic writer, played by Paul Muller. This affair leads them to commit murder. It's actually one of my favorite films by Jess Franco. Enjoy these photos of the stunning Soledad Miranda. She is still sorely missed by so many of us.

Here's a song from the film.
Hey Keith! I hope you can get your computer fixed in a timely and inexpensive fashion. Hang in there, my friend. We'll still be here whenever you come back.
best of luck getting back into the computer game - what a pain
Hang in there, Keith! We'll still be here. Everything will come together soon, you'll see!
♥ V
twitter: @gritandglamour
Hope you get all fixed :) wish you all the best!
That's right Keith.. we are not going anywhere.
Sucks about the computer Keith! Hope you're able to fix the laptop soon...
She was really stunningly beautiful, such a pity she had to die so early in life.
Thanks for sharing, and I seriously hope you can fix your laptop soon, will miss your posts.
Best wishes and hope your holidays are good.
Enjoy Halloween.
She's so beautiful.Love the 70's movies :D
I'm sorry to hear that you are not able to blog forawhile,hope you can fix your laptop and you'll be back soon.Take care.Hugs from Morocco<3
Hi Keith, thanks for the comment you left on my blog. Fingers crossed that you can get your computer repaired without paying the earth. I'll keep checking to find out when you're back online.
Take care and good wishes,
I love the styling! Those white sunglasses! gasp! so cool. Hope you don't have to buy a new comp, that will suck! Take care! xo
I hope you can get early a new computer! Thank you very much for your comment is nice visit your blog!
sorry to hear about your computer, hang in there.
love these photos. gonna have to check out that movie!
hey keith, those pictures are so inspiring.
happy halloween, and hope your break's going to be fun.
can't wait for your new posts!
You will be missed Keith, thank you so much for all of your comments that you left on my blog, I appreciate them very much, and please holler once your computer is fixed :), take care and take it easy
hi keith!!! so sorry for your pc!!! mine is old and I hope he doesn't die.... Now I can't buy a new one! I hope you can buy a new one! Take care you too!!! kisses!!!
Hope you can get your computer fixed! I will have to check this movie out. Take care.
hang in there! You'll be back sooner than you think! my laptop is on the fritz as well dont feel bad happens to everybody! We will miss you! hurry back soon! love the photos! the mini skirt! yes! :D
wow, she is definitley stunning, I want to go read about what happened to her right now. Gorgeous girl and I love the style in these images. Also, so sorry about the comp- that is such a bummer for SURE. If I were you, I would maybe trade services with someone else who can fix it? Or look for a friend or a person who can do it for cheap (often craigslist has people). I will miss your blog too but I'm confident you'll be back!
So sorry to hear about your computer troubles. Hopefully you'll get that sorted soon.
Very intriguing movie! Never seen it, but I'll have to check it out!
wow i love the fashion. her boots - i.want.
sending you positive energy. hope your computer gets fixed inexpensively.
take care keith!
great movie !!
I hope you can come back someday. And I hope things have started to work out for the better for you.
juliet xxx
i recently saw the soledad miranda film "vampyros lesbos" and really enjoyed it!
please let me know when you return from your hiatus...hope you are doing well!
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