Friday, November 14, 2008

Sean Connery & Gina Lollobrigida Relax On Set

Chillin' on the set with Sean Connery and Gina Lollobrigida. I wonder what Sean's got on his mind. :-)


This is from the set of Woman of Straw from 1964. Sean Connery plays the scheming nephew of an ailing tycoon. Gina Lollobrigida plays a sexy nurse who helps him out in his plot to take control of his uncle's fortune.


Mirko di Wallenberg said...

Well, by the look of it she is just testing the chair and he listening to what she thinks of it but I could be wrong and they have something else on their minds after the shoot with the chair! It certainly has possibilities! LOL

Nancy Sinatra Fan said...

I hadn't seen that photo before. I love Sean. I've had a crush on him since I was a little girl. He's handsome whether young or old.

Keith said...

Hey Mirko. Of course, I've got to have my mind in the gutter on what they are thinking about. lol You've got a good point. She might very well be testing out the chair and giving him her take on it. It might be good for naps. Have a good weekend.

Keith said...

Hey Phoebe. Glad I could introduce you to this pic. I just came across it recently. I like it myself. I've been a big Connery fan since I can remember. My sis has a big crush on him. Have a good weekend.

Alpha Stone said...

If I could have just one ounce of Connery's mojo...

Do you think he's ever NOT been confident - even for like a single micro-second? Probably not.

Keith said...

Hey Gilligan. I totally know what you mean. Connery's always been one of those men that I greatly admired. He's always oozed masculinity to me. He's the type of man I would love to be like.

Unknown said...

Great photo that gives the illusion of a candid snap even though we know it's not. I too really dig Connery. He is THE man from Bond all the way up to THE UNTOUCHABLES and beyond.

Keith said...

Hey J.D. Thanks for the comments. What I like about Connery is that he's a man's man and a ladies' man. He's also awesome whether in his younger days or more mature days.

Glenn Bishop "Bish The Magish" said...

Cool Picture Keith.

Sean Connery is one of the actors that was great in just about every movie I have seen him do.

The movie may have bad writing - but Sean is allways great.

Thanks for posting the cool picture.

Glenn Bishop

Keith said...

Hey Glenn. Thanks for the comments. I totally agree with you. I've never seen Connery give a bad performance. Even if the movie wasn't up to par, his performance was still awesome. Have a good weekend. Cheers!

Steve Langton said...

Nice pic. Sean was certainly my wife's fave Bond until Mr. Craig came along.

Kimberly Lindbergs said...

Lovely pic! I've never seen Woman of Straw, but I'd like to. Gina was one of my Italian grandmother's favorite actresses. I have a soft spot for Gina and lots of fond memories of watching Gina Lollobrigida movies with my grandmother.

Keith said...

Hey Steve. Thanks for the comments. Connery's always been my favorite 007.

Keith said...

Hey Kimberly. Thanks for the comments. My German-Italian grandmother was also a big fan of Gina Lollobrigida. I grew up to love her as well. I've never seen this film either. I thought it was a really nice picture of her and one of my idols, Sean Connery.

Mike Edwards said...

Keith love the pic. This blog is quickly became my favorite one to visit. Keep up the good work man.

Keith said...

Hey Mike. Thanks. I really appreciate that. I'm so glad you enjoy what I post here.

Anonymous said...

BellĂ­sima Gina

Keith said...

She is definitely beautiful.

kay21 said...

Sean is oh so debonair he's one of my most fav actors, and still sexy in his older years.

Keith said...

Hey Kay. Thanks for the comments. I've always been a big Connery fan. He's my favorite 007. Plus he's an amazing actor in other roles as well. Yeah, he is one handsome fella whether young or old.