Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Elke Sommer & Sylvia Koscina Are Deadlier Than The Male


One of my favorite movies from the 1960's is
Deadler Than The Male. The spy spoof, released in 1967, stars Richard Johnson as Bulldog Drummond. I won't give anything away for those who haven't seen this film. Drummond's an insurance investigator trying to figure out what happened in the mysterious death of an oil executive. There is quite a lot of murder and intrigue on his mission. He discovers that beautiful female assassins (played by Elke Sommer and Sylvia Koscina) are employed by a madman (played by Nigel Green) who is trying to take over the oil industry. I'll leave it at that. One neat thing is that Elke Sommer and Nigel Green would go on to co-star in the Matt Helm spy spoof The Wrecking Crew in 1969. Besides the pictures I've posted here, I'm also including some clips. I hope you'll check them out. I'm sure you'll enjoy them.



Nancy Sinatra Fan said...

Hello Keith. I know how much you love this movie. It is one of those fun spy movies of the 60's. There were so many of them. What's funny is that when I saw this, I thought they had a job I would love. lol

Bill Dan Courtney said...

glad to see more and more longer movie reviews here. I was unable to locate the Case of the Missing Iris so far online but am still searching.

The Wolfmen said...

Elke Sommer is magic one of her greatest performances (and a comedy), was in Carry On Behind - here's the trailer

Keith said...

Hey Phoebe. Thanks for the comments. Yeah, I have talked about this movie before with you and Sam. It's a cool movie, plus it's got Elke in it. I really love her. Cheers!

Keith said...

Hey Bill. Thanks for the comments. I do want to do more movie reviews. I'll probably actually do a full one on this movie at some time. Hope you get that chance to see Case of the Bloody Iris.

Keith said...

Hey Wolfmen. Thanks for the comments. I love Elke. She could do so much so well. Thanks for that link. Never seen that movie before, but I had heard of it. Cheers!

Scott (gotankgo) said...

Great post and wild clips. This movie sounds and looks pretty happening. Love the Matt Helm and Flint movies, but not familiar with this similar one.

Keith said...

Hey Scott. Thanks for the comments. Glad you enjoyed this post. I thought the videos would give folks an idea of what this movie was like. If you like the Helm and Flint movies, you would definitely like this one. Cheers!

Phantom of Pulp said...

Wow, I love this, too.

We have very similar tastes.

Keith said...

Hey Phantom. Thanks. Glad you liked it. That's cool that we have similar tastes.